le sigh.
past few weeks have not been kind to me.
my boyfriend got conscripted~
i'm becoming more and more alone~~
and also~
it's kinda embarrassing to say, actually
but uhm
i've been confused about my gender identity~~
> _<
go ahead, laugh~
it started less than a year ago~
i had a strange dream that made me feel uncomfortable for the whole day, and a few days afterwards as well~~
in the dream, i was different.
well fine, i'll just say it.
in the dream, i had a dick.
you can laugh again~ it's fine, i don't mind~ go ahead and laugh~~
i began to wonder if i was transgender~
it made me feel down but i don't think i told ade about it
actually, i think i might've, but idk
i managed to forget about it for a while~
i forgot about it until summer~
one day in january~~
i'd told ade about it already (maybe i'd remembered it again~?) but this time i refused to tell him anything about why i was upset~
so i just kept my mouth shut~
though, a few months later (notice how the lengths of time were getting shorter?), once again i remembered~
i told ade~~ and for a few days i felt rly down~ (the length of time i spent upset grew longer)
i found out about a thing called "bigender" - was that what i was?
for a while i identified as that, and the sad and confusing feelings went away again~
but then ade left for the army~
left alone, my thoughts began to continue their confusing assault on my mind~~
that doesn't fit.
it never fit.
i just called myself that to make myself feel better.
i told ade i was upset and confused and that having a girl's body made me uncomfortable~
ade said he thought it was kinda cool if i managed to avoid both the male and female stereotypes~
so then, was i an androgyne?
it fits better than bigender
but my body's not androgynous~
not at all~ no way~
even with my short hair~ my height (167.5cm, in case you were wondering [but even then i'm still rly short compared to biological guys my age])~ and the fact that i was, on occasion, and without effort, able to convince people that there was smth else between my legs~
but my body still doesn't match my mind.
i thought about hormones and surgery~ just like i do everytime i remember that i'm not actually a girl~
ade said he'd still love me~ he'd always love me~ but it would feel weird for him for a little while if i transitioned~
he thinks i'm perfect the way i am~ wonder if he'd think i'd be just as attractive as he thinks i am now, though neither of us can answer that~~ i rly hope he'd like the way i'd look~
ben, my best friend, doesn't like change~ doesn't want me to change~~ though, despite being catholic, he doesn't judge me or bully me at all.
i guess that's all i should expect from someone/everyone/anyone~ anything more would be selfish~~
it seems like other people like me have known about themselves for a very long time.
i only realised when i was fourteen.
so does that mean i'm not real?
is it just a phase?
does all this confusion mean nothing?
if i transitioned, my voice would change. that'd be only thing that rly bothers me amongst the changes that would occur in my body~
i wouldn't be able to sing anymore~ i'd have to completely relearn everything~~
why couldn't i have realised sooner~?
i could've begun hrt before natural puberty commenced~
i'd have the body i want~~
broader shoulders, no curves, taller, stronger~~
"i'm giving myself just under five years.
when i turn twenty, if i'm still unhappy with my body, then i'll commence my transition, regardless of what anyone else thinks. -anteeksi ade-
or, if i have come to terms with being in this body, then i'll do nothing and stay the same."
is what i wish i could say.
but even so..~
what am i~?
transgender? bigender? androgynous? smth else?
am i a man or a woman? a girl or a boy? or none of the above?
the words transgender and bigender don't fit~~ i wish i could just be intersex or smth~~ i'd be happier if i was born a futanari or smth like that~~
and even if i did transition, i can never become fully male~ is that even what i want? no, it'd be fine if under my pants, there were girl parts.
but why~ why didn't i know sooner? before the first natural puberty~~ could've had testosterone coursing through my veins instead of oestrogen, but no. no.
"aw too bad kat
no happy ending for you now"
i'll still stay short, my shoulders won't widen, my hips won't narrow.
i want boy's clothes~~
this weekend, i'll try binding my chest for the first time~ i'll put on a boy's shirt and loose pants and stare at myself in the mirror and see if i can discover what my true identity is~~
i'm still unable to express everything i'm feeling~
why can't i be honest with myself~?
i wonder what my name would be if i was born a boy~
-i'm sorry, i wish i could make you understand, i'd still be the same person, please don't stop loving me, it's so lonely, i know it's a lot to ask but please don't leave, even if you decide you don't want someone as fucked up as me just please don't leave me-
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